Nature's perfect whole food. Richest whole food source of omega 3's and fiber in nature. Promotes Cardiovascular health, supports joint function and mobility, great source of fiber for digestive health, Assists bowel funcion and regularity. Enjoy Salba whole or grind in a coffee grinder. Store any extra ground Salba in refrigerator. Uses for ground Salba: Gravy thickener, soup, oatmeal, etc. When baking, use 3 parts flour and 1 part ground Salba, or adjust as needed. How to make Salba gel: Mix 8 parts water to 1 part Salba whole grain. Refrigerate in a sealed jar overnight. Uses for Salba gel: Add to yogurt, pudding, or any hot or cold beverage. 1/4 Cup of Salba gel replaces 1 egg in recipes.
Bottle contains 16-ounces
Gluten-free, non-GMO, no trans fats,
Certified vegan and certified kosher
Excellent source of fiber for digestive health energy replacement and water absorption
I tried this product after reading research regarding the excellent nutritional value of the product - high level of omega 3, high fibre content, high calcium and iron levels in addition to its impact on glycemic levels and cholesterol. The research was conducted by St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto and was led by a professor of Medicine from the University of Toronto. After trying it out for a month, I have noticed an improvement in my energy level and surprisingly, some inadvertent weight loss. It turns out that since this product absorbs water, it acts as an appetite suppressant as well. I can't say enough about this and highly recommend this to anyone who is looking to boost energy and add nutrients to their diet. I usually add this to cereal, but have also sprinkled this onto blueberry muffin dough before baking. Surprisingly light nutty taste that does not interfere with anything I add it to. I recommend the whole seeds rather than the grain which tends to make liquids thicken... Read more
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All I had read about this product seemed too good to be true. I tried it and was extremely impressed. I did not use it for cooking though, since Omega 3 is obliterated by heat. So I sprinkled it on my cereal. From the very first day, I seemed to have more energy at work and didn't tire as quickly. I plan to contiue using it for a long time.
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I don't think this stuff is well known yet, but it should be. I started taking it and I feel great. I used to need a caffeine to get me going, but now while talking this stuff. I am a vegetarian so my diet is sometimes lacking, but Salba picks up the slack. Great stuff. Highly recommended for Vegans and vegetarians.
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